
Date nights we long for, the lifestyles we live - just all the feels.
Diaper Bag Essentials with Gugu Guru Baby Registry

Diaper Bag Essentials with Gugu Guru Baby Registry

When it comes to registering for baby, often parents focus so much on the nursery items and essentials, and tend to forget that so often you are out and about with baby in the world, so it’s imperative to also register for diaper bag essentials, too!

“Me Time” Mom Truths

“Me Time” Mom Truths

There is just something so promising and magical when my husband says he’ll watch the littles for a bit so I can have some time to myself. I mean, time to myself is rare, extremely welcoming and I will literally take every minute I can squeeze out of it.



I’m no scientist, but I feel like I need to get my PhD to figure out if my child has a fever. Does anyone else have this same problem? The world of thermometers is full of fancy electronics, but when my kid is sick all I want is an accurate answer, right now, without wondering if my batteries are fully charged.

Girls’ Night In

Girls’ Night In

Let’s talk about girl’s nights, don’t you find that since having kids they happen just a little too infrequently? I know I do! That’s why when I host them, I want it to be memorable. Part of hosting the perfect girl’s night in is making the prep stress free so that you aren’t exhausted by the time everyone arrives. Since having my son, I have found it difficult to do much party prep when he is at home.

Your New Favorite Camping Gear

Your New Favorite Camping Gear

There’s something special about getting away from home and into the woods. Sitting by the fire at night, staring into the flames. Wandering around and looking at the stars. Getting away from your everyday life and spending time outside is healing. When you camp with your family, so many great experiences happen. Your children learn about nature and the peace that comes from being outside. You get to disconnect from distractions and bond as a family.

Red Hot Date Night Out

Red Hot Date Night Out

“If you had an entire day of free time, what would you do?” I have asked this questions to hundreds of moms. And it breaks my heart every time.

Friends Don’t Call Friends the B Word.

Friends Don’t Call Friends the B Word.

I cannot stand seeing women call other women the B word. You know the one I’m talking about. I am just gonna say it... Best Friend. BFF? Even worse. Bestie? Don’t even go there. I journeyed down deep inside my soul to see what it is about these words that make me so...

When School is Off but Work is On.

When School is Off but Work is On.

“Never again. I am never going to do that again!” That’s what I said last time I did what I did again yesterday. You gotta laugh, though, when you show up to drop your kids off at school after Christmas break and realize school doesn’t start back up until tomorrow. My...

25 Ways to Use Free Babysitting

25 Ways to Use Free Babysitting

A lot of parents tell us, "We don't really use babysitters.  We just don't go out much, or do things for ourselves."  And to that, we say, "but what if you could?  What if you had free babysitting?" Komae is babysitting reinvented.  You get to keep your dollars while...

The Best Apps to Connect with Your Faith

The Best Apps to Connect with Your Faith

To finish out our series on how to take back control of your smartphone, I'd like to talk about my five favorite apps that help me to connect with my faith.  We all know how loud the world around us can be, especially with the booming voice of social media.  So if...

Taking Back the Little Pleasures in Life

Taking Back the Little Pleasures in Life

Some people tell us they aren't sure they need Komae because they really don't use babysitters anyway.  This day in age, Grandparents often play a huge role in helping care for children when mom and dad can't.  And parents are willing to skip their plans or take their...

SAY GOODBYE To Mommy Guilt!

SAY GOODBYE To Mommy Guilt!

So far you've heard us talk about how Komae connects you with trusted care and saves you money.  Both good things.  But let's take a moment to talk about the greatest of things.  The idea of erasing that stigma that hurts every mother to the core... mommy guilt. Yes....

A Dad’s Got Needs!

A Dad’s Got Needs!

It's pretty obvious that Komae is a quick and easy market for moms.  Someone said Mom could take a vacation to Target and she was sold in all of about 5 seconds. Wandering the aisles that aren't filled with diapers and butt paste?  (Yes... that's a real thing.) Taking...

Cheap At-Home Date Nights – NO MORE!

Cheap At-Home Date Nights – NO MORE!

Pinterest is swarming with blogs giving you ideas on how to have a cheap date night while staying home.  With babysitting rates on the rise, it's no wonder that this phenomenon is taking off.  Who can afford to get a sitter AND go out on a date?  Heck, even if your...

What are you waiting for?