If you’ve had a smartphone for more than a day, you surely know what it is to fall victim to the distraction and negativity that can come along with it.  People can get a hold of you at the touch of a button and they know it.  So that means you need to be available, right?  Wrong.

Are your eyes on your phone instead of your hot date because you can’t help a taking a quick scroll through Facebook on the off chance something else more amazing has happened in the last five minutes that you MUST know about?

Are you getting discouraged by the highlight reel of your Instagram friends as you compare it to your everyday normal?

Are you finding yourself sucked into candy crush for hours while you’re not so sure what room of the house your kids are even in, let alone what they’re doing?

Trust me.  I’ve been there.  Some seasons more than others, but I’ve been there.  We all have, right?

This realization can quickly turn into a mind setting that technology and social media in general are all bad.  That we need to drop our smartphone in a bucket of water (on purpose this time) and never turn back.  That our phones have taken control of us and that we’ll never be free from the everlasting demands they bring our way again.  But I challenge you… instead of surrendering to the hold of technology, take back the power and use it for good.

Here are three easy ways to start taking back control of your smartphone today…

1) Start by deleting the apps that bring out the worst in you.

I’m sure it doesn’t take long for you to identify the apps on your phone that suck out the most of your time AND don’t bring any added benefit to your life.  Take the radical step and just delete the app.  Bye bye temptation.  Hello, real life socialization!

2)  Slim down your social media newsfeeds.

Did you know you can unfollow someone on Facebook?  It’s likely you’ve done this in the past because someone was on your last nerve.  But unfollowing doesn’t always have to be a bad thing.  Perhaps you want to keep the networking connection there, but you don’t need to know what they had for lunch today.  Slim down your newsfeed to just the people you truly desire to get updates from.  Then when you do take a skim through Facebook land, you will only get the highlights you actually care about as opposed to getting your day’s fill of gossip.

3)  Turn off notifications.

Chances are, your curiosity is enough to keep you going back to the apps you use most.  You don’t need your phone lighting up every time someone gave the picture of your adorable child a click.  And you don’t need to know when your Candy Crush lives are full.  Keep notifications on for text messages, emails, and Komae of course (wink), but for the apps that are just fun and social… quiet them down.

Now that you’ve slimmed down on the bad we’re going to talk about beefing up the good with apps that actually provide benefits to your life.  Over the next two weeks, I’m going to share with you five ways that apps can actually enrich your life.   Including:

Even better, I will tell you why Komae is the app of all apps and is capable of helping you in ALL of those areas.  Komae doesn’t JUST want to give you free babysitting.  We’re here to enrich your life!

If you’d like to learn more about how Komae works and how you can play a part in making this dream become a reality, get connected with Komae today!  You can find us on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest and Kickstarter!

Update 3/17/16: As of October 19, 2015, the Komae app was fully funded on Kickstarter!  Beta testing is scheduled to begin in April 2016.  Space is limited, so request an invite today!

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What are your thoughts?

1 Comment

  1. Audrey

    Oh my gosh, aside from the fancy outfits and polished look, this photo can so be me and my husband. I need to take this advice of focusing on the GOOD things that can be done with my phone to free up my time rather than waste my time.



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