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When did I become the person that doesn’t brush her teeth before 4p.m. or takes using dry shampoo to the extreme?

When I became a mom I really put myself pretty low on the totem poll. I gained a beautiful baby girl and I totally lost myself in motherhood.

My needs came dead last. The baby, my husband and even the animals took priority over my basic needs of food, drink and hygiene. It took me months to slowly remind myself that I matter too.

I realized that the saying, “you can’t pour from an empty cup,” is 100% true.

Little by little I started making time for self-care a priority. I started by working on what I ate first. Loads of whole foods, water and less processed stuff. Then I started getting active again. I did yoga, went for walks and worked my way up to doing at least 30 minutes of activity a day.

Reading books and listening to podcasts that helped me overcome negative thought processes, became part of daily life. Once I got into a good groove with those things, I remembered how good having a schedule felt. It was good for me and in turn it was good for Laine.

It has also been great to add some pampering practices to my routine. I have started dry brushing from head-to-toe before my showers. I got into taking luxurious baths with Epsom salt or homemade bath bombs.

I have #sundayspaday where I treat myself to a face mask and foot soak. Lastly, one of my favorite things to do is foam roll to work out those trigger points and improve circulation, especially since getting out and getting a massage doesn’t happen that often.

Bottom line is, your loved ones will be thankful you have taken a little extra time to take care of yourself. It will make you an even better mother, wife, employee and friend.

What better way to have that extra time or give some other mama in your life that time she deserves that swapping sits?

Check out my video to learn how to dry brush and foam roll:

Ashley Jones is a Wife, Mama, Physicians Assistant, and Health & Lifestyle Coach. Follow her on Instagram & Facebook.



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