The Komae Blog
Village Vibes

Grab your cup of coffee and find your rhythm as a parent.

All Your Sitters in One Spot

All Your Sitters in One Spot

Imagine it's Friday afternoon and you get a text from your friend, "Hey, what are you up to tonight? We have extra tickets to a concert and would love for you to join us. We're leaving in an hour." If you're single, or married without kids, you might be footloose,...

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Raining Resources : Be the Village

Raining Resources : Be the Village

When someone reaches out to you and asks if they can write a blog sharing from their heart how finding community and finding Komae has touched their lives, you say yes. Thank you Whitney for these amazing words. Enjoy. The sky was gray, and intermittently spitting. It...

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3 Steps Towards Making Mom Friends

3 Steps Towards Making Mom Friends

Why is making friends so hard? And why does it seem to get even more difficult as you age? We desperately long for community but don't always know how to find it in a comfortable, genuine, and lasting way. I know this because when parents find Komae for the first...

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Will he even remember me?

Will he even remember me?

I have been brainstorming this blog for a few weeks now and have shed tears just at the thought of the words I am planning to share. I am telling you now, you may need tissues for this one. ---------- My name is Audrey Wallace and I am a full time working mom. [Insert...

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Home From Silicon Valley and Ready to Rise

Home From Silicon Valley and Ready to Rise

As you may have read here in our blog, and hopefully witnessed on our Instagram channel, Audrey and I just spent two weeks in Silicon Valley at Women's Startup Lab. This trip took us away from our families and we were inundated with speakers, meetings, and business...

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I DIY So I Don’t Cry

I DIY So I Don’t Cry

Why is self-care so hard? We all need personal time to be at our best. So why do we find it so hard to do? For me, as a stay-at-home dad (SAHD), I always feel like I am short changing someone else; my kids, my wife, or my friends. To make matters worse, I give so much...

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Komae Messaging : Connect the Dots

Komae Messaging : Connect the Dots

Okay, okay. That might not be exactly what Forrest said, but I think it's just as true. Everything is Connected. At Komae, we believe life is all about connections. And we believe that if you pay close attention, you'll notice that those connections, well, connect!...

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3 Tips for the Traveling Working Mom

3 Tips for the Traveling Working Mom

You may have heard by now that Audrey and I are leaving for Silicon Valley to participate in the Women's Startup Lab this July. If you haven't, be sure to hop back to that article and get caught up on the details. As a little update for those tracking this journey, we...

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Busy Mom Guide to Look Like You Showered

Busy Mom Guide to Look Like You Showered

I am going to tell you right now, this blog is not going to make me look good. Please only continue reading if I can trust you with the dirty little secret of this busy mom. Ready?  Confession of a Busy Mom You can either have wet & clean Audrey or dry & fancy...

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Komae is Leaving for Silicon Valley!

Komae is Leaving for Silicon Valley!

When Amy and I read the philosophy of the Women’s Startup Lab in Silicon Valley, we knew it was a place we needed to be. What is Women’s Startup Lab? “Women’s Startup Lab is a business accelerator that empowers female founders to be strong leaders, create impactful...

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Creative pursuits for your newly found free time

Creative pursuits for your newly found free time

We’ve all done it. You finally have some free time and oddly you don’t know how to use the time. The easy option is to switch on the TV or start scrolling, but to really fill your cup it might be worth considering a creative pursuit which is fun and is good for you!

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In the Absence of the Village, Are Moms to Blame?

In the Absence of the Village, Are Moms to Blame?

These days, we see lots of women crying out on social media about their lack of mom-friends. They share the latest trending blog about the absence of the village. And, ironically, they unite around the scarcity of community. And then there's this lady, taking a moment...

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Playdate Your Way Through Summer

Playdate Your Way Through Summer

School's about to be out for summer. The kids are pumped. You're pumped. Everybody's pumped. Freedom! Swimming! No schedule! It all sounds great, right? Then two weeks pass and things begin to lose steam and the most dreaded words come out of your precious little...

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What are you waiting for?