
Our favorite hacks, tips, & secrets for the wild ride of parenting
Not Another How-To Parent Blog

Not Another How-To Parent Blog

I am not here to say what is right or what is wrong. I am not here to tell you never to spank or only to breastfeed. There are plenty of How-To-Parent blogs out there.
What I am here to say is that you are the #1 most qualified person to decide what is right for your family.

Everything you go through, GROWS you.

Everything you go through, GROWS you.

There are parts of Everly’s story I wish I didn’t remember, I do. I hope that in writing this in some way, or form, it could help someone in some way, with healing. Whether the outcome of your birth story was the same as mine, or ended on a different page, I don’t know, I guess I am hopeful in some way this brings you peace. Or maybe I’m just simply hoping it brings me peace. Call me selfish, but each thing that happens to us in our lives, whether happy or sad… changes us. It helps forms us into who we are.

“Me Time” Mom Truths

“Me Time” Mom Truths

There is just something so promising and magical when my husband says he’ll watch the littles for a bit so I can have some time to myself. I mean, time to myself is rare, extremely welcoming and I will literally take every minute I can squeeze out of it.



I’m no scientist, but I feel like I need to get my PhD to figure out if my child has a fever. Does anyone else have this same problem? The world of thermometers is full of fancy electronics, but when my kid is sick all I want is an accurate answer, right now, without wondering if my batteries are fully charged.

Store Your Kids Artwork with Keepy

Store Your Kids Artwork with Keepy

Keepy is an app that allows you to organize, save, privately share, enrich, and treasure your kids’ memories as they grow. Whether it’s artwork, schoolwork, an award, or a photo, with Keepy you can easily cherish and look back on these special moments for years to come.

Bring on the Yellow School Bus

Bring on the Yellow School Bus

"Keep them little," they say. "Cherish every moment. You're gonna miss this." Those statements may be true, and maybe I'll read back on this blog in 10 years and cringe at every word, but can I just be honest for a moment?  I'll just come right out and say it.  I LOVE...

Confessions of a #BoyMom

Confessions of a #BoyMom

“Keep your feet on the ground, boys.” I snapped that at my sons recently after feeling challenged about how they behave. They were being all wild, daring, and boy-like, climbing on something risky. Usually I celebrate them taking a risk but that day I tried to tame...

A Busy Mom’s Ultimate Laundry Hack

A Busy Mom’s Ultimate Laundry Hack

Laundry is My Arch Nemesis Let me be more specific- it is folding laundry that I really have beef with. If you’ve seen the new Lego Batman movie, folding laundry is pretty much my Joker. We’ve battled since the beginning of time and if you’ve been to my house it’s...

All the Things.  A Mom’s Worst Nightmare.

All the Things. A Mom’s Worst Nightmare.

My calendar runneth over with things. Kid things. School things. Work things. Family, friends, fitness, and sometimes even fun things. Does anyone feel me? So I Google’d “How to fit in all the things” and was fascinated by the advice. Rarely was it suggested to...

Three Easy Steps to VOTING with Kids

Three Easy Steps to VOTING with Kids

I'm not sure if you've heard or not, but there's an election coming up on Tuesday, November 8th.  Opinions around the topic are surely heated, but lucky for us, Komae isn't here to tell you WHO to vote for, just that you SHOULD.  We're also here to make it easier and...

What Could You Say Yes to Today?

What Could You Say Yes to Today?

Do you ever find yourself in such a routine of saying "no" to your kids that you forget to take time to say "yes?" Kid: "Mom, can I have ice cream for breakfast, Mom?" Me: "No. Eat your cereal." Kid: "Mom, can we go to the beach today, Mom?" Me: "Are you kidding?  No....

What is Happening When My Kids Aren’t Listening

What is Happening When My Kids Aren’t Listening

"DO YOU EVEN LISTEN TO A WORD I SAY?!?!!?" ...words that come out of my mouth far to often and with far too much anger behind them. If my kids didn't respond so quickly to words such as candy, cookie, grandma's house, and presents, I just might think they had a...

Be the Mom you Want to Be

Be the Mom you Want to Be

There are two truths about being a mom. First... Being a mom is awesome.  It's filled with snuggles, kisses, laughter, and milestones. Second... Being a mom is hard. It's filled with poop, sleepless nights, temper tantrums, and attitude. I hope that on most days,...

The Best Apps for Making Memories

The Best Apps for Making Memories

Sure, your phone can distract you from paying attention to your little ones.  And that's absolutely something we should all be aware of and be careful not to fall victim to.  But for just a few minutes, I thought we could celebrate the memories that can be made...

What are you waiting for?